Renier Custom is a small projects division of Renier Construction and offers support to clients with small to mid-sized industrial and commercial construction needs. Support ranges from tenant improvement projects and additions or buildouts to window cleaning and grass cutting. No matter the size of the project, we’re proud to offer the same dedicated service you’ve come to expect from Renier regardless of need – all through a tailored and custom approach. If you have a project that you aren’t sure about, give our Custom team a call!

Custom Construction
Renier Custom’s team is able to efficiently and economically support small to mid-sized design-build construction projects. Providing custom, made-to-order service that is reliable and hassle-free comes standard, and we guarantee it’s of the same excellence and integrity that the Renier brand commands.
Services Include:
- Tenant Improvements
- Facility Renovations
- Building Additions
If you have a project that you find yourself saying, “This is probably too small…” give our Custom team a call!
Facilities/Property Maintenance
Keeping your facility up to date and in prime condition is important, and we’re here to help. Through a personalized maintenance program, Renier Custom can handle every repair and maintenance need at your facility. Preventative maintenance services, an audit of your facility to show what needs immediate attention, what will need to be addressed in the next year, and what can be budgeted for in the future are also available.
Budget Management & Assistance
- Quarterly property inspections and report
- Management and oversight of service contracts
- 24/7 in-house service contact
- Process and payment for work under annual service contracts
- Process and payment for work as part of the maintenance reserve
- Quarterly reconciliation and report of budget vs. actual maintenance costs
Landscape Maintenance
- Spring cleanup, weeding, edging, and mulching
- Irrigation system (if installed) startup and inspection
- Lawn treatment and pest control
- Grass cutting
- Fall leaf cleanup
- Tree and plant replacement on an “as needed” basis invoiced separately
Backflow Preventer Inspections/ Certifications
- Certification of the fire sprinkler and domestic water backflow preventers
- Repairs or replacements to be invoiced separately
Storm Water Quality Control Inspection
- Inspection of site storm system water quality control structures and reporting to authorities (if necessary)
- Clean out or repairs to be invoiced separately
Fire Extinguisher & Fire Alarm System Inspection
- Includes re-certification of fire extinguishers and inspection of fire alarm systems
- Repairs or replacements to be invoiced separately
Elevator Maintenance Agreement
- Execute service agreement with manufacture and oversee maintenance of equipment
- Repairs or replacements to be invoiced separately
- Inspect all plumbing systems and fixtures
- Check roof drains and clean debris if necessary
- Inspect and clean out oil separators (yearly)
- Cleaning of trench drain (yearly and invoiced separately or in budget/ allowance)
- Inspect all emergency and exit lighting
- Inspect and replace as necessary interior and exterior lamps & ballasts (any replacement will be invoiced separately)
HVAC Maintenance Agreement
- Quarterly inspections of all HVAC equipment including drive belts and pulleys
- Quarterly replacement of air filters
- Spring visit - clean coils and check refrigerant levels
- Fall visit – check heat exchangers and blower motors
- Check condensate pan and piping
- Repairs or replacements to be invoiced separately
Exterior Window Cleaning
- Includes quarterly cleaning of all exterior windows (inside and out)
- Excludes interior glass and mirrors
Site & Facility Inspection
- General walk thru of the site and facility to identify any necessary repairs
- Check overhead and service door operation
- Inspect electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems
- Cleaning of all interior areas including restrooms
- Watering of any landscaping and plant material not covered by an irrigation system
- Security alarm system and monitoring
- Snow removal